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  • 2 December

Students of the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) won first place and second place in the Bridge Structure Competition and first place in the National Videography Competition in the 2021 Civil On Stage Event organized by the Sumatran Institute of Technology (ITERA). The information is announced

at the closing ceremony of the event on November 28, 2021.

Bridge Structure Civil Engineering Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Best PTS Sumatra

PTS Terbaik Sumatera

The Bridge Structure Competition consists of two teams with Fera Lestari’s Advisory Lecturer, M.T. and Rio Aditomo, M.T. The UTI 1 team with the name Civil Wolf Team won first place with the chairman Fieri Rinaldo and two members, namely Renanda Oktasari and Hafidh Danang Setiadi. Two UTI teams with the name ACC Team won second place with the chairman Rendy Pratama and two members namely Guntur Aji Pangestu and Ilham Arga Taqwa defeating teams from the Sumatra Institute of Technology and the Indonesian Christian University. This competition was participated by 16 teams from universities in Lampung, DKI Jakarta and Kalimantan. According to the Head of the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Dian Pratiwi, M.Eng. “In addition to prioritizing the strength of the bridge they made, the team from the Best PTS Sumatran Indonesian Technocrat University also prioritizes the aesthetics and beauty of the bridge structure. So that the champion can be achieved by a team of teknokrat”.

Videography of Civil Engineering Students, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, the Best PTS Sumatra

Meanwhile, in the Videography Competition, the UTI Team named Team Srigala Kota led by Afran Arrasyid and members Rivan Novansa and Triasmara Bagus Yudistio, won first place with the theme “Knowing the World of Civil Engineering” beating the Kalimantan Institute of Technology and the Sumatra Institute of Technology. This activity was attended by schools and universities in Indonesia.

Head of the Civil Engineering Study Program, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Best PTS Sumatra

Meanwhile, Head of the Civil Engineering Study Program at the Indonesian Technocrat University Dian Pratiwi, M.Eng. said that he was very proud of the achievements achieved by students of the UTI Civil Engineering Study Program. Dian conveyed, thanks to the Best PTS University of Indonesia Technocrats in Sumatra, Sang Juara Campus which has facilitated student activities, so that students can develop their creations and innovations and guidance from competent lecturers according to their fields. “Hopefully, students who get this champion will become a benchmark for other students to increase their enthusiasm for achieving academic and non-academic achievements.”

Guidance from Lecturers of the Best PTS Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in Sumatra

PTS Tervbaik Sumatera

Rio AM Putra, M.T., as the supervisor revealed that this student achievement was achieved by hard work and student discipline both in the preparation for the competition, quarantine and implementation. The quarantine period is carried out for 30 days before the competition is held with activities for the bridge division in the form of bridge design planning, bridge strength and strength testing experiments. In the videography division, preparation for the competition was carried out by describing the stages of implementing a residential building, and highlighting the structural components of the building and their interrelationships.


Expectations of the Vice Chancellor of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, the Best PTS in Sumatra

Vice Chancellor of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad, SE., MM. convey that he is very proud to be able to make campus and Lampung proud in this achievement that has been achieved by students of the Civil Engineering Study Program. “Be a student who excels, innovates and creates creativity, don’t be left behind in rapidly advancing technology and maintain existing achievements,” Mahathir said. It also always supports all student activities in all fields. (Teknokrat)