Pencak Silat Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Best PTS Sumatra

The Best PTS Sumatran PTS Pencak Silat Team Wins Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals at the Lampung National-International Pencak Silat Championships Visible Virtual Cup organized by the University of Lampung

on October 30, 2021.

Students of the Best PTS Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Sumatra who are members of the Faithful Heart Terate Brotherhood Pencak Silat UKM (PSHT) Teknokrat have made a National-International Prestigious Achievement held by IPSI Lampung. The Best PTS Sumatran Teknokrat Students won 2 Gold, 2 Silver, and 3 Bronze Medals after submitting a Single Adult Art video which was attended by 66 participants from other major campuses such as: Jakarta State Polytechnic, Malang UIN, UPN Veterans Yogyakarta, and others.

Randi Setiawan’s Achievement, the Best Student at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in Sumatra

Randi Setiawan, a student of the S1 Information Technology study program as the 1st Champion in Pencak Silat PSHT, in this competition was followed by various participants who are Students/Delegates/Rayon/Branch of Pencak Silat School, including PSHT Kalianda, PSHT North Lampung, PSHT South Lampung, UIN Khas Jember, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, PSHT Kalimantan Utara, PSHT Metro, UIN Walisongo Semarang, Universitas Widya Dharma Klaten, PSHT Padang Sumbar, dan IAIN Ponorogo Jawa Timur

Baca juga : Atlet Panahan Pts Terbaik Sumatera Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Juara Nasional

Advisory Lecturer at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia The Best PTS Sumatra

Rachmi Marsheilla Agus, M.Pd. as a supervisor expressed satisfaction with the results obtained by his students. “The hard work and maximum training they put in will never betray the results. Thank you to the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia which has supported and facilitated its students to be able to achieve achievements in every competition”. Rachmi said the student supervisor.

Vice Chancellor of the Best PTS Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Sumatra

On another occasion, the Vice Chancellor, Dr. H Mahathir Muhammad, SE., MM. Congratulations to the PSHT Pencak Silat Team of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, the Best PTS in Sumatra, which has won the National-International Prestigious achievement.

“Congratulations to the Pencak Silat Athletes and Advisors who have struggled and won proud achievements for the Best Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia PTS Sumatra and Lampung Province, hopefully this achievement will motivate other students to continue to develop themselves and achieve achievements despite the pandemic conditions. This achievement also proves that the Best PTS Sumatran Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Students are able to compete and be on par with students from other big campuses in Indonesia.” said Dr. Mahathir.

Randi Setiawan’s Achievement, the Best Student at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in Sumatra

Randi Setiawan, who is active in the Pencak Silat UKM, has many achievements: 1st place in class B, Men, Adults, PSHT Cup right way; 1st place in Class B Men’s Pencak Silat Championship Head Cup of PSHT South Lampung 2020; 1st Place for Adult Men’s Singles PSHT Cup 1 Bandar Lampung; 1st Place for Adult Men’s Singles PSHT Cup 2 Bandar Lampung; 1st Place of Adult Men’s Singles Art of Unila Cup 1 Virtual National Championship 1.