Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia mengadakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Guru Belajar Efektif melalui Hybrid Learning di masa Pandemi yang merupakan rangkaian kegiatan

Mental Revolution National Movement.


This activity took place on Thursday, September 2, 2021 at the Horison Hotel, attended by high school/vocational/MA teachers from partner schools of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in Lampung Province.


The first material was presented by Akhyar Rido, SS., MA., Ph.D. about the value of mental revolution in learning in schools.


The second material was delivered by Achmad Yudi Wahyudin, S.Pd., M.Pd. related to the application of learner-centered learning.


This is expected to further strengthen the contribution of Teknokrat in improving the quality of schools.


Akhyar Rido said that mental learning is very important. We must encourage students to be willing and able to learn well. The goal is not only to pursue high academic scores, but also to shape their character.


Teachers, said Akhyar, must provide a strong education to their students. Students must be given guidance in order to have a clear vision of life. They are also encouraged to find their best potential so they can put themselves on the path of education and the future. Including job opportunities according to their potential.


Achmad Yudi Wahyudin said that education basically places students as the main actors. Because, they will feel the direct impact of learning.

Yudi explained that students, especially during online learning, must be active in mastering the learning material. The teachers give good encouragement and the students master it.


Thus, students are given the freedom to think and freedom of opinion in accordance with the knowledge they have. They are also encouraged to take responsibility for the opinions expressed. And given the provision of morals in accepting the opinions of others.


Deputy Chancellor I of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr H Mahathir Muhammad SE MM added that the role of the teacher was increasingly important during online learning. They are also required to be creative in carrying out learning.


The latest information about technology must be mastered. This is intended so that the way of learning can be accepted by students well.


Teachers are also asked to be literate on social media and provide directions for using them wisely. Social media, said Mahathir, can be a source of knowledge by properly verifying the information that develops.


Mahathir believes that with this FDG the teachers can improve their abilities. They can exchange teaching experiences with each other during the pandemic. Many ideas will emerge so that the learning model can be right on target and please students.