Dosen Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Dian Puspita, S.Hum., M.Li melanjutkan studi Doktoral di University of Galway, Ireland. Pada tahun 2021 lalu, Dian menjadi salah satu peserta...
Dimas Ardian Febriansyah, an English Literature student at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, made Lampung proud. The reason is, being the first winner of the National Speech at the 2022 English...
Rector of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Dr. HM Nasrullah Yusuf, SE., MBA., became one of the examiners in the doctoral promotion exam testing of Dr. Heni Suryanti, SE., M.Sc....
From the Startup tab, you can eliminate most auto-starting applications. You can alter your settings by navigating to Power Optionsin the Control Panel. Funny thing is, that when doing...
The success or failure of students in carrying out the world of lectures is generally measured by the academic value they have achieved. However, what actually needs to be...
Every year students from the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, the Best PTS Sumatra Study Program for Mathematics Education, become national champions in the field of mathematics. Unmitigated, two of the...
The app Hornet, which caters to the gay male community, has seen a 30-percent increase in social feed engagement since social distancing measures began in mid-March, according to CEO...
Hallo.. Ada yang bisa kami bantu?