The Best PTS Sumatran Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia students who are members of the Altet UTI E-Spot, are actually good at playing mobile legends and have won various National E-Spot events in the Mobile Legends Division.

Best Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia PTS Student Sumatra 2nd Winner National

This time, the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) E-Sport Team UTI N-WIN won the National 2nd Place in the Mobile Legends E-Sport Branch at the CBC Championship MOBILE LEGENDS BANG BANG DIVISION, which was held by Telkom University Bandung. Previously, the E-Sport of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia won 3rd Nationally, which was held by Itera Lampung in the Itera Open event.

In the National Competition held by Telkom University Bandung on November 22 -6 December 2021, the 1st place was Telkom Bandung, the 2nd winner was the Indonesian Technocrat University and the 3rd winner was Telkom Bandung. Participants in the event were 16 teams and 80 people who took part in this championship.

The Best Student Team of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia PTS Sumatra 2nd National Winner

The UTI N-WIN team consists of: Jimmy Juliantono – Information Systems, Aryuda – Information systems, Feri Cahya Setiawan – Information systems, M. Rafli Saputra – Information systems, Muhammad Devan Haidar Information Systems. For the achievements of UTI N-WIN, the supervisor lecturer Muhammad Najib Dwi Satria, S.Kom., M.T. said that the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia campus was very proud of the achievements of the UTI E-Sport Community, which was getting better day by day. The motivation of this student is to want to be one of the achievement students like other achievement students in academics, sports, arts and culture.

Advisor for Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Students The Best PTS Sumatra E-Sport UTI

This improved achievement, said Najib, would of course go through a good process as well. Where students who are members of UTI E-Sports routinely do joint exercises 3 times a week every 4-5 hours, and of course thanks to their inner spirit, UTI’s E-Sport achievements are getting better. In the future, Najib continued, there will be many competitions which will certainly be followed by UTI E-Sports. Seeing the achievements obtained continue to increase, so that it affects the self-confidence of the UTI E-Sport team.

“The UTI E-Sport Team is also always directed. That playing games is intended for achievement, not just channeling hobbies and just spending time without any achievements being achieved. So we always remind you that college is still a priority and the hobby of playing games is still channeled with the aim of achieving achievements, “said Najib.

Tricks for the Best PTS Sumatran Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Students to Become National Champion of E-Sport Achievements

The UTI N-WIN team won the championship while some of the tricks they did were due to scheduled training, team cohesiveness, mutual trust, encouraging each other, learning how to play from the pro player team. The UTI N-WIN team said that the important thing is that the team must continue to be enthusiastic even though they failed in the competition they took part in but have not won E-Sport at the University of Jakarta competition, Jenderal Ahmad Yani University, University of Indonesia.

Vice Chancellor of the Best PTS Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Sumatra

Mahathir is very proud that the Best PTS Sumatran Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia students won the national champion for the E-Sport achievement of the UTI N-WIN Team. Mahathir also said that the commitment of the Best PTS Sumatra Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia to the development of interests, talents, and reasoning is one way to improve student competence, as well as student experience outside campus so that they can compete with other campuses. Vice Chancellor of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad SE., MM, stated that the Best PTS Sumatran Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia always supports and also facilitates activities to develop student interests, talents, and reasoning. So that students can continue to excel every year.