PPKM ISSUES Back? Will Online Learning Return !

  • By
  • 7 December


Best PTS Sumatra Rumors circulating regarding the implementation of health protocols will be stricter with the 5M approach, such as using masks, washing hands using hand sanitizer / soap, maintaining a safe distance, limiting movement, and staying away from crowds and 3T (testing, treatment, tracing). Regional governments are directed to accelerate the achievement of vaccination targets for elderly vaccination, until the end of December. The government coordinates with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum or (Forkopimda), hotel managers, tourist sites, malls, religious leaders & residents, mass organizations, and business actors as well as other parties that need synchronization with each region for prevention and enforcement of the appropriate level of discipline. with existing regulations. One of those who will feel the impact of the re-implementation of PPKM is the education sector, online learning at home may return.

Kemendikbudristek or Ministry of Education and Culture Research and Technology provides learning guidelines for future students (PPKM). With that from this, the learning process will be carried out remotely or online or online. Steps to increase enthusiasm, passion and ease of distance or online learning by using platforms and new applications that can make it easier for teachers and students during online learning.

Online applications for online learning are applications that are now intensively developed during a pandemic like this. The following is some alternative information for teachers and students, so as to make them more enthusiastic and facilitate the teaching and learning process that is enough with a smartphone.

Pembelajaran Online Siswa

Current Trending Apps for Online Learning

The following application is an application for online learning for free to facilitate the teaching and learning process:

Also read: Department of Computer Engineering, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Read more here

Study House For Online Learning

Online learning with online learning applications can be a learning companion. The Ministry of Education and Culture issued a breakthrough in the study room application. The Ministry of Education and Culture introduced an online learning application with the aim of being an effective process of supporting learning while at home.

Online Learning with Online Learning Media (MBO)

The second Online Learning is Online Learning Media (MBO). Software has the advantage of several features that are highly recommended in making it easier for students and teachers in the online learning process. There are many learning videos, discussions, and questions about learning from these videos that can be used for teachers to provide learning materials to their students.

Third Online Learning with Google For Education

Google for Education is an online learning method made by Google. The World’s Parent, namely Google, provides a solution for the world of education during this pandemic to help students and teachers stay productive and learn to teach easily so that learning remains effective. One of the features that Google provides in the application is Chromebooks. The results of this Google design produce applications that are easy to reach for students and teachers who often have difficulty getting a smooth internet network. Google designed this application with an internet connection mode that can still be used when it is low so that this application does not require high and stable internet speeds.

Fourth Online Learning, Brainly Indonesia

Brainly Indonesia is a solution during the pandemic. Students and teachers have been very close to this application. This application provides not only as an alternative to learning but also provides very communicative features for this online learning. Students and teachers can be given the freedom to ask questions about lessons and materials in school. The advantage of this application is that students and teachers don’t have to bother downloading this application, they can directly access and use it easily through a browser so that it doesn’t burden mobile storage for installation. This application is very helpful and makes it easier for students and teachers to add learning alternatives with the latest current solutions for online learning.

Those are some of my suggestions regarding preparations when this PPKM is re-implemented, hopefully these applications can be the best solution, hopefully it will be useful!