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  • 11 December

Learning is a part of college life. This is also a technique that requires patience and practice. When you’re thinking about learning a method that’s right for you, consider the tips below. You may find techniques that will help you get the most out of your college classes. In learning, of course, everyone has their own method. Here are the different ways you can learn – it’s best to try different methods to see which one works best for you!

One of the most rewarding ways to start the learning process is to set yourself up for success from the start. Check out the following tips.

1.     Continue Printing and Utilizing Books

Tablets and other eLearning media are convenient and portable, but research shows that books are still very much needed when we want to learn. Some researchers argue that adopting interactive habits such as scrolling, clicking, and pointing improves the academic experience, but more than 90% of students surveyed said they prefer hard copy or digital prints when it comes to study and schoolwork. In addition, a psychology professor found that students needed more repetition to learn new material if they were reading on a computer screen versus reading material in print or in book form.

2.     Listen to music

While some experts argue the ability to concentrate during silence or listen to music while studying is left to personal preference, many agree that playing certain types of music, such as “18th century composers” can help students engage the parts of their brain that help them pay attention and make predictions. . Not to mention, listening to music can elevate your mood and change your entire outlook on learning in general.

3.     Heating

The benefits of exercise on the brain are well established in the fields of health, fitness, and psychology. Studies show our brain power gets a boost even after a short workout, as our bodies pump oxygen and nutrients to the brain. According to Dr. Douglas B. McKeag, sweating just before breaking a book can make you more alert, open, and able to learn new information during your post-workout study sessions.


4.     Relax

Stress hinders learning. UC Irvine researchers found that stress lasting as short as a few hours can involve the corticotropin-releasing hormone that interferes with the process of creating and storing memories. Taking study breaks for exercise or taking a few deep breaths will help you study if they lower your stress level.

5.     When and Where To Study

While you may think that late-night study sessions aren’t beneficial for your academic success, research shows that it’s not necessarily a bad idea. Moreover, some psychologists even encourage students to disconnect from the routine of their daily campus life, especially when it comes to studying for midterm or final exams. Changes in the place of study have an impact on learning abilities and concentration. Psychologist Robert Bjork suggests that simply moving to a different room to study can improve your concentration and retention rate.

6.     Follow Practical Learning Activities

As you would with the ACT, SAT, or GMAT, take advantage of professors and instructors who make older exams available as practice tests. You can get a feel for the instructor’s testing style and become familiar with how information can be presented on the actual test day. One study found students who tested themselves with practice tests after studying material retained 50% more information a week later than their peers who did not take practice tests.


7.     Try the Feynman Notebook Method

this organization by writing on the title page of a blank notebook, Physicist Robert Feynman’s book created a note-based learning method about the unknown. From there, he developed techniques of deconstruction and reconstruction of ideas, in an attempt to understand even the most complex concepts. To use this method and learn how to study effectively, first identify what you want to learn. Then, try to explain it as you would a five-year-old. The Feynman method is ideal for using analogies to better illustrate your concept (for example, a bonsai tree is like a big tree, but smaller).

8.     Taking on the Role of Teacher

Research shows that students have better memory and recall skills when they learn new information in the hope of having to teach it to others. This makes sense, because teachers are charged with not only learning information for themselves, but also with organizing key elements of the information to explain it clearly to others. Studies also show that students are more engaged and will instinctively seek withdrawal and organization methods when expected to take on the role of “teacher”. This can be especially effective with subjects like reading comprehension and science.

I hope you can find the perfect method for you, and good luck in your learning endeavors!