Students of the Best Campus Universitas Teknokrat in Lampung, Receive an Award from Dandim 0410/Badarlampung City

  • By
  • 18 November

Bandarlampung, – Commander of Kodim 0410/KBL Colonel Inf Romas Herlandes, SE, M.Si, MM, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to representatives of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Students, one of the best private universities in Lampung.

The award was given by Dandim 0410/KBL because students of the Aerospace Teknokrat Indonesia & Rudi Sugianto (2 people from the left) have participated in supporting the implementation of the Journalistic Work Contest at the 109th TMMD 2020.

“The award certificate presentation took place at Kodim 0410/KBL Jl. Imam Bonjol Kel. Gunung Agung District Langkapura Bandar Lampung City, Wednesday (10/28/2020).

On this occasion, Dandim 0410/KBL expressed his gratitude and high appreciation for the cooperation. Because they have been directly involved in supporting the implementation of the 109th TMMD Journalistic Contest in 2020, which has been done since the start of the activity until the end of the competition for 36 days.”

Furthermore, Dandim 0410/KBL said that the efforts and hard work that had been carried out by the Team in supporting these activities had been maximal, thus
related to the results later, the most important thing is that we have done our best, enthusiastically and with a full sense of responsibility,” he concluded.