Go International, Akhyar Rido, A Lecturer of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Gets Trust in Teaching at Mahidol University Bangkok Thailand

  • By
  • 27 June

One lecturer of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI), ASEAN’s best private university, Akhyar Rido, Ph.D., received the Scholarship for Short-term International Visiting Professors Program at Mahidol University, Bangkok Thailand.
Rido, who serves as Vice-Rector I, will be in Thailand to teach, give seminars, and research for two months (August-September 2022) with full support from the Kingdom of Thailand. However, it started with a difficult process that won the trust of Mahidol University, Bangkok.
Rido said that initially, he applied as a Visiting Professor at Mahidol University Thailand which is a World Class University in early 2022. The application was accompanied by a CV, research portfolio, and research recommendations, as well as the contributions he could make to Mahidol University.
After that, Rido underwent two interviews with the Head of the Language and Humanities Division and the International College Division. Then there was one research presentation. “Then I was declared graduated at the faculty level. Finally, I was asked to take an international research ethics course and test in collaboration with the United States and passed with a score of 95, far above the specified score, which is 80,” said Rido, Sunday (26/6/2022). This news excited Rido and Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, on June 21, 2022, this lecturer who is proficient in English is declared to have graduated with a Presidential Decree from Mahidol University Thailand. “I will go to Thailand with the full sponsorship of Mahidol University/Kingdom of Thailand and will conduct research collaborations, give seminars, and teach there,” said Rido.

Getting to know Akhyar Rido
Akhyar Rido, is an Associate Professor in the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. He completed his bachelor’s degree in English literature at Padjadjaran University and master’s and doctoral degrees in English Studies at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Mr. Rido is also the Co-Promoter and External Examiner of the Doctoral Program in Literature (Specialization in Linguistics) at Padjadjaran University, the Development Team for Guidelines and Reviewers of the National Movement for Mental Revolution Grants, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as a Workload Assessor Lecturer. Akhyar had the opportunity to be a visiting lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Padjadjaran University, and Lambung Mangkurat University in 2021. In 2022, Rido becomes a Visiting Researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Center, Jakarta, and Supervisor of the Program for Higher Education Cooperation The Height of the Independent Learning Team in the Independent Campus of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology of Indonesia.
Apart from teaching, Mr. Rido is currently actively conducting four studies funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), and Mahidol University Thailand.

Mr. Rido has published 6 books/book chapters and more than 30 scientific articles. His latest book entitled ‘Interaction and Pedagogy of Indonesian Vocational English Language Master Teachers’ was co-written with Prof. Noraini Ibrahim and Prof. Radha MK Nambiar from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, published in 2020 by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Press.
Meanwhile, one of his latest scientific articles entitled ‘Let’s take a look…’: An Investigation of Directives as Negotiating Interpersonal Meaning in Engineering Lectures’ was published in 2021 in the Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (Indexed Scopus Q1 and Web of Science). , co-written with Dr. Heri Kuswoyo from Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Prof. Eva Tuckyta Sari and Dr. Lia Maulia Indrayani from Padjadjaran University, and Dr. Doris Macdonald from Northern Illinois University, USA.
Meanwhile, the Vice-Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad, S.E., M.M., highly appreciates Akhyar Rido’s achievements and has received the trust of Mahidol University/Kingdom of Thailand.
Mr. Mahathir supports Mr. Rido, who has become an international lecturer. Because Rido is world-renowned, he will collaborate on research, give seminars, and teach. “This means that Mr. Akhyar Rido’s knowledge has been recognized by international universities. Of course, Mr. Rido’s achievements are proud for Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and Lampung,” said Mahathir (Teknokrat).