Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia as the best private campus in Sumatra, always facilitates community service activities. One of them is community service where one of the programs is the Assisted Village.

In this program, lecturers do service to several villages in districts in Lampung Province.

One of them is to the Mukti Karya Village, Mesuji Regency. The names of the lecturers involved in this service are Styawati, M.Cs, S.Samsugi, M.Eng, Sanriomi Sintaro, M.Kom, Ade Surahman, M.Kom. and Muhammad Bakri, M.T.

Some of the students involved included Ady Chandra Nugroho, Dian Nur Sintawati, Dina Marsela, Mutiara Bulan Maharani, and Degi Reyval Febrian.

In this activity, the target is staff at the Mukti Karya Village office, Mesuji Regency.

In this activity, training on computer network installation and computer troubleshooting was given.

The aim is to give staff the ability to solve problems related to computer networks and computer equipment in the village office.

Deputy Chancellor I of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. H Mahathir Muhammad SE MM said community service was the duty of lecturers and students. At this moment, campus people can realize knowledge in the field.

The trained staff in the village will gain a lot of knowledge and skills appropriate to their duties. Thus their duties in the office to serve the community more optimally.

Mahathir said the remote location did not prevent the campus from doing service. Because, wherever the place is as long as it is still affordable, the Teknokrat team will explore it.

Mahathir explained that the quality of service to the community from the village apparatus should be optimized. Therein lies the role of technology. And at that moment the Teknokrat provide supplies to add experience and knowledge. It is hoped that services to rural communities will increase. Both in terms of quality of service and speed of service.