Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia introduces the use of metaverse technology for early childhood education teachers. A lecturer at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia who also serves as an Expert Trainer for the Kemdikbudristek School of Education, Achmad Yudi Wahyudin, M.Pd. be a resource person in training activities for making Learning Media through Metaverse Virtual Reality technology for PAUD and Kindergarten teachers and education personnel in the IT Insan Kamil Kindergarten Hall Bandar Jaya Central Lampung (10/9/2022). The activity was opened by the Supervisor of the Kindergarten in Central Lampung Regency, Riyanti, S.Pd., MM. and the Chair of the ITGKI-PGRI of the Terbanggi Besar sub-district and also the Head of the IT Kindergarten Insan Kamil Mrs. Atika Sanzaya S.Pd. who expressed his highest appreciation for the training which invited 20 teachers and education personnel in Central Lampung Regency.
The training which was carried out for 7 hours of lessons was presented in two sessions, namely: (1) increasing digital literacy capacity through the use of virtual reality metaverse learning media, and (2) mentoring simulations on the use of metaverse for early childhood learning. This activity was held by presenting students and their parents/guardians directly to pay attention to breakthroughs in teaching methods that integrate this technology. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia student, Ridho Febriansyah, who is also a team developing metaverse technology for the information study program, participated in assisting teachers and students in the use of metaverse technology.
Currently the world is in the era of Society 5.0 where every aspect of life can be helped by robotics, automation, internet of things and virtual reality technology. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia continues to be committed to contributing to efforts to improve the quality of education through technological innovation. The technology being developed at this time is Metaverse which is a 3D digital world with interactions between avatars (the user’s form in the metaverse). “With the use of the metaverse, the teacher will be very helpful in presenting contextual learning and approaching reality”. Said Ahmad Yudi. Metaverse technology can present simulations, series of panoramas, tourist objects, and all forms of real-world reality that are presented in virtual form.
The application of this metaverse technology is assisted by Virtual Reality glasses that can be connected to devices owned by teachers and students. In line with the implementation of the Independent Curriculum, at this time learning must be demanded to be student-centered, especially for Driving Schools set by the Government. Learning must provide contextual and authentic insight so that it is expected to provide complete skills possessed by students. With metaverse, learning activities are more fun and stimulate children’s imagination, as well as more effective and efficient.
Dr. Mahathir Muhammad, SE., MM. The Vice Rector of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia explained that Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia seeks to be at the forefront of collaborative efforts between Universities and Education Units in improving the quality of education through adaptation of the latest technologies such as Metaverse, Internet of things, and also Robotics.