Ericha Syaji Apriyani dari program studi Manajemen dan Setio Anggit Febri Priyono dari program studi Teknologi Informasi Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia lolos magang bersertifikat di PTPN VI Jambi.

They are the results of the match up of the SOE FHCI regarding the Batch 2 Certified Student Internship Program in 2021. Ericha said he was happy to have an internship at the BUMN. He hopes that what he will do during his internship can be useful for improving his abilities. It can also be useful for the company.


Likewise with Setio. Like Ericha, she is also happy to join this internship program. Especially in a well-known BUMN in Indonesia.


Deputy Chancellor I of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Dr. H Mahathir Muhammad SE MM welcomed the selection of two Teknokrat students for a certified internship at PTPN VI Jambi.


He said both of them deserved to qualify because they had reliable abilities. Both according to their study program are considered capable of optimally carrying out the internship period.

Mahathir explained, this certified internship program is indeed important to follow. Thankfully, the two Teknokrat students were considered good, so they deserved an internship at PTPN VI.


Mahathir wants both of them to practice their knowledge while studying during their internship. Both were asked to be optimal in undergoing the internship period. Also maintain the good name of the campus.


The benefits that will be felt, said Mahathir, will definitely be useful for both of them as well as for the campus. He wants the professional way of working in SOEs to be applied when they work.


He also wants other students to gain knowledge on how to work in a BUMN. That way, Teknokrat students have a professional thinking base. This will be useful when graduates are accepted for work or open their own jobs.