the best campus in Lampung – Do you have a goal to continue your higher education in Bandar Lampung city? For those of you who are still confused about finding the right university in Lampung, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia is the perfect campus for you to continue your studies to higher education, as evidenced by the achievement of the best and most popular campus in Lampung Province, the Campus Clustering version.
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia entered in the Big Four of the Best Campuses in Lampung. In the future, Teknokrat as the best private universities in Lampung will increase their clustering to become a world class university.
This was conveyed by the Vice Chancellor I of the Indonesian Technocratic University, Dr. H. Mahathir Muhammad, SE, MM. during the Higher Education Orientation Program (PROPTI) academic year 2020/2021, at the Dr. HM. Nasrullah Yusuf, SE., MBA UTI, Thursday 24 September 2020.
Mahathir Muhammad said, to achieve this target, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia will increase clustering by increasing scientific publication research, PkM and strengthening innovation products. “Targeting the top row of the best universities in Lampung, by increasing the accreditation of study programs to be very good. Hopefully all targets are met,” said the Deputy Chancellor 1.
According to him, the Covid-19 pandemic has a very broad impact on life, including the impact of education. However, this does not hinder the educational process for Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia students, because all the needs and facilities for online learning are very advanced and advanced. “Students should be grateful for being able to continue studying at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. Because the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesiahas implemented online learning before the Covid-19 pandemic occurred,” he continued in his remarks.
Not only ready to facilitate online learning, Universitas Teknokrathas even become a trainer for teachers in several elementary, middle and high schools in Lampung to strengthen online learning. “We also got the best score of 4 from the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding the online learning system. The online learning system at the Universitas Teknokrat already has a smart module. In this system, students get material from lecturers and students can learn from wider material from various experts and campuses from various fields. parts of the world,” he said.
The Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, which has 3 faculties, namely: the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, the Faculty of Literature and Educational Sciences, and the Faculty of Economics and Business, always prioritizes the quality of education that is oriented to the advancement of information technology.
Meanwhile, related to the holding of the propti, it is intended to provide students with new understanding and patterns of thinking. transition of understanding and mindset from student to student, and also the transition from a different learning process while still in high school to university. Vice Chancellor 1 also explained the importance of character education.
“In the online system as it is now, the cultivation of character education will certainly experience obstacles because it cannot be controlled directly and is an important concern for educators. It is hoped that lecturers and students will continue to pay attention to character education, apart from having academic achievements. Students must also be skilled in other fields while maintaining uphold the values of morality,” he concluded.
Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in the pattern of education always prioritizes quality, and upholds the tri dharma of higher education, namely:
1. Education and Teaching
Education and Teaching is very important in a learning process at any educational institution. In Indonesia itself, the higher education law explains the meaning of education.
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and skills needed by themselves, society, nation and state.
Without a good learning process, of course, superior and quality human resources will be minimally produced and of course will have an effect on the nation’s development process. Great people who manage and impact progress for Indonesia, of course starting from a good learning process. Although the learning process does not always take place in formal institutions such as universities, the effort to study in universities must be of high quality and ensure that the results will be good.
In addition, the 1945 constitution also supports this. It was conveyed that the state must participate in the process of educating the nation’s life. For this reason, education and teaching are important points that must be addressed by universities.
2. Research and Development
Students and campus culture based on research and development, will produce human resources who are intelligent, critical, creative, and of course not just working when they are in their career fields.
In general, the developed countries in the world have a very high research and development culture. Rapid technological developments, new innovations, and even cutting-edge problem solving products are born from research and development.
Research and Development, is something that this nation must always do if it wants to progress and develop. Carrying out research and development, of course, will have an impact on the advancement of the economy, education, social, and other sectors in society.
College students in general are people who are educated on campus and are accustomed to doing research, making reports, carrying out tasks according to the knowledge they understand, not just perfunctory or just following habits.
Students and campus culture based on research and development, will produce human resources who are intelligent, critical, creative, and of course not just working when they are in their career fields. For this reason, in the future he will become an agent of change, Social Control, a future leader who is able to solve problems, as well as people full of expertise who are able to provide solutions to various problems.
Research & development skills will help you become an outstanding student.
3. Community Service
Have you ever heard of or heard of final year students doing field work in various remote areas of Indonesia? This is certainly not just a formality or an ordinary activity. This activity is a community service activity which is also part of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Useful knowledge is certainly not just knowledge that is kept for ourselves or just stored in our minds, but knowledge that is practiced according to its function and provides benefits to many people. It would be useless if the knowledge we have is very high in the sky, but does not have a significant impact on society.
In the law on higher education, it is stated that community service is an activity of the academic community that utilizes science and technology to advance the welfare of the community and educate the nation’s life.
You can start community service activities by volunteering at a social activity. Volunteering will provide many benefits, including the 5 benefits of being a volunteer which are described in the following article.
Without the soul and spirit of community service, of course there will be no meaning. Students only become the forerunner of human beings who are selfish and do not care about society. Certainly not a good thing, where students are the great hope of this nation and are expected to be able to grow, develop, and become the hope of the nation’s future.
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