Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) The Best PTS Sumatera always innovates and works according to the UTI motto, namely discipline, quality, creative and innovative.

Innovation in the Mass of the Covid-19 Pandemic

During the Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world, including Indonesia, Students of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia whose Campus was Green, the Champion in their care to innovate to create the Sehat-i Application. Students of the Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia take advantage of their innovations in realizing their concern with one tangible form, namely Applications that are beneficial to the community.

SEHAT-i Applications Caring For Each Other For Empathy

The Sehat-i application for caring for each other for empathy was created on the basis of the need for information about health, especially the Covid-19 virus, in this application it prepares procedures for self-isolation, information on oxygen cylinder providers, ambulance contacts who can be contacted and the need to share information about Covid-19 19. This application is also in accordance with the software project courses that are taught in one of the required courses.

The Purpose of the SEHAT-i Application by Students of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Muhaqiqin, S. Kom., MTI. The course lecturer and supervisor conveyed that the purpose of this Sehat-i Application was made because it wanted to make it easier for Covid-19 patients to find information about the need for self-isolation and how to self-isolate, and important contact information about Covid-19 such as oxygen cylinder providers and ambulance contacts. who can be contacted quickly.

Functions of the SEHAT-i Application by Students of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

The function of the Sehat-i application is to make it easier for people infected with Covid-19 to find the information needed for handling Covid-19 using a computer or mobile phone. The Sehat-i application has 4 features, namely; Contact info needs such as ambulances, oxygen cylinder providers, plasma donors, etc.; Help room, forum for mutual assistance for those who have difficulty meeting the needs of self-isolation; Save information quickly, information that has been searched for can be stored in this feature to make it easier to search if needed later; The self-isolation guide The Sehat-i application was built using the PHP programming language with the laravel framework and for the database using MYSQL, explained Muhaqiqin.

How it Works the Sehat-i Application by Students of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

The application developed is web-based so that users can directly access the website address, this application directly uses a computer or mobile phone. Users can directly choose what needs they are looking for based on their area or category of needs, and can submit information and support rooms, said Muhaqiqin.

Name of the Sehat-i Application Team Student of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Verdian Galang Pratama, Product Leader; Yunus Febriansyah, Developer, M. Rizky Fadhilah, Ux Researcher; Nice Pangestu Ux Designer; Imam Asyrofi, Developer. In making the Healthy Application-i Muhaqiqin, S.Kom, MTI. as a lecturer in software project courses and Jupriyadi, S.Kom., MT., as a supervisor for the 2022 expo event.

The application can be developed by complementing existing features and in the future can cooperate with the Bandarlampung Health Office in terms of providing publicly accessible health information, so that people who need information such as oxygen cylinder providers, use of ambulances, plasma blood needs and others can be found. easily through this application, said Jupriyadi.

Vice Dean of FTIK Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Dr. Si. Dedi Darwis, M. Kom. appreciate the work of the students of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. This work is the output of the Web Programming course, where every student who takes the course is required to make products in the form of appropriate technology or innovation products that can be utilized by people exposed to Covid-19. Dedi hopes that with the output of product-based courses like this, student work can be directly utilized by the community. (Teknokrat)