8 Best College Admission Success Tips

  • By
  • 10 December

We will provide 8 tips for those of you who want to enter college through the computer-based written exam (UTBK). So, broadly speaking, if you want to go to college, friends from high school, vocational or equivalent, want to go to college, you have to go through several routes. Well, there are SNMPTN, UTBK, and SBMPTN. The UTBK path is one of the test pathways where there are a lot of participants, therefore we will give some tips for you, so that from the start when you want to register, you won’t be able to test smoothly tomorrow, how about that. Here are 8 tips to successfully enter the best colleges.

1. Determine the major you want

The first tip is to determine the major you want, it must be adjusted to your passion. Passion is your interest in something. So, right now, there are many people who choose this major based on ability. Sometimes people think that now the UTBK scores come out first before you register, sometimes that person is looking for safety, the important thing is that we enter, DON’T!. The most important thing is the major. So if you can say, majors with universities, you have to prioritize the majors first, if you like making videos and so on, then take a communication major, you like pictures and so on, take DKV, if you really like to plan a big space, you take PWK or you want to do it. build a house and you really like architecture take architecture.

Don’t choose a major just because the important thing is college, the important thing is that we don’t get ridiculed by our friends because we don’t go to college. DO NOT!. Because later you will regret it yourself. So the first thing is to determine the major according to your passion.


2. Choose the Department first, then the University.

The next tip is choosing a university. So sometimes people like to stay up late, “Wow, my university is the best”, “Wow, University A is the best, University B is below it”. Yes, it’s only a ranking, the most important thing is yourself. If you really have a passion for pursuing knowledge in that field, if you intend to learn, then we will become experts in that field. So the place where you study does not guarantee 100% that you will be successful. It’s useless if you graduate from UI, UGM, ITB, if you can’t implement knowledge or you enter it, it’s only for prestige. So the most important thing is to prioritize the new university major. Because pearls will remain pearls even in any place.

3. Effective and scheduled study

Tips for you to study, if my advice is that you study 1 day for 1 subject, you schedule it and when the next day you change to another subject or you can also change it every 3 days or once a week, the important thing is that you focus, if at one time you do some questions or you do some subjects, we will be dizzy. Humans can only multitask, humans can’t multi-focus, in the sense that we can’t think about math now, suddenly we’ll think Indonesian at the same time, no! We have to focus until finally you can master one by one.

4. Do the exercises on the questions

Then the next tip is to master 1 chapter first and then you practice questions with the same chapter. We suggest that every week or every month, you hold a personal tryout by working on a collection of questions consisting of various subjects.

5. Studying together with friends

When you have friends, don’t just use them to borrow money or things that are consumptive, but use them to study together. Stay away from toxic environments, approach positive environments to encourage you to enter college. These are tips that need to be considered as well.

Yes, being picky sometimes needs friends. For now, that’s all the tips when you want to go to college, focus on your friends, they really support you, don’t play ML a little, play PUBG a little, so you have to focus because the future is up to you to decide.

You want to choose to fight together with friends who are now going to a new college and then happy with your results being accepted at the university of your dreams or you have fun first and then cry because you were not accepted. Make it a small competency. Who won, who won, yes, that’s to get you used to competitive situations, because your rivals are not just your friends but hundreds of thousands of people want to enter the University or even thousands of people are fighting for a seat in the department you dream of. So open your eyes, rival times