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  • 20 June

Civil Engineering students had dam project visit to Margatiga, East Lampung on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.
This project visit activity is an activity in the undergraduate program of Civil Engineering study program at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) in order to develop student insight regarding the Method of Implementation of Water Structures, Functions of Water Structures, their parts and much more, all of which information can be directly observed. by students at the Margatiga Dam project site located in East Lampung.
During this visit, the BBWS Mesuji Sekampung, represented by the technical implementer of the Margatiga Dam Project, Mr. Putu, welcomed this project visit. In addition to BBWS Mesuji, this visit was also attended by contractors, namely PT adhi Karya Persero Tbk and PT adhi Karya Persero Tbk who joined in this project as Waskita-Adhi KSO, then the supervisory consultant PT Yodya Karya Persero. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia was attended by students who took the Water Building and Irrigation course as well as accompanying lecturers, namely Mr. Susarman and Mrs. Fera Lestari.
At the Margatiga project visit there was a preliminary activity in the form of an explanation of the progress of the dam implementation which was described by Mr. Putu, after that there was an explanation from Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia who in this case was represented by Mr. Susarman regarding the aims and objectives of this project visit. In this session it was known that the progress of the dam implementation had reached 90%. In this presentation session, students were also very active in seeking information regarding the function, layout, work methods, planning and the purpose and objectives of the construction of this dam. One of the questions asked by students of the Civil Engineering S1 study program Rendy Pratama was related to the redesign of the dam and the prevention of seepage problems at the Margatiga dam. In addition, there are other questions regarding the Margatiga dam test model.
After the presentation session, a visit to the Margatiga Dam project site was carried out. During the visit of the BBWS Mesuji Sekampung, the Contractor and Supervisor provided an explanation of the parts of the dam that had been described previously as well as an explanation of the existing instrumentation on the dam. In this session, students of the Civil Engineering Study Program directly observed the physical form of the water building which they had learned about planning and design in the campus environment.

In this activity, the head of the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, Mrs. Dian Pratiwi, who was also present at the visit to the Margatiga Dam project, appreciated this activity. Dian said that this activity is an activity that can trigger the enthusiasm of students in the study program related to the physical form of water buildings from what they have learned so far, especially in the water building course. Dian also said that this activity could add to the knowledge base of students related to the implementation and working methods of the dam and the designation of the building itself.
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Dedi Darwis really appreciates this project visit activity. Mr. Dedi also said that this activity was a very positive activity for lecturers and students, especially in the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Study Program. He also appreciated this activity because it could increase students’ curiosity regarding the knowledge they had learned in lectures. The Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs also hopes that there will be other similar activities in the study program at the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI), especially in the Civil Engineering undergraduate study program.