Lecturer Certification (SERDOS) 2021 organized by the HR Directorate and attended by lecturers throughout Indonesia. This year the Ministry of Education and Culture has provided a new Serdos quota of 8,000 lecturers, whereas in the previous year the quota was only 7,000 people. Unlike the previous year,

this year’s selection is done through SMART Serdos.

Inovasi informasi teknologi ataInformation technology innovation or SMART . Serdosu Serdos SMART

With the innovation of information technology or SMART Serdos, the Serdos process is easier and more efficient, and the data can be checked in real time. Director General of Higher Education Research and Technology, Prof., Nizam, Ph.D. said that “Education is the key to realizing a Golden Indonesia. Human resources are superior, creative, innovative and have noble character to carry out this mandate. SMART Serdos (Simple, Modern, More Innovative, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent) can help reduce the burden of lecturer administration and data redundancy,” he said.

Serdos SMART makes it easier for lecturers from the administrative side and provides opportunities for lecturers to write self-descriptions, which this year changed its name to PDD-UKTPT (Lecturer’s self-assessment on the performance of the tridharma of higher education) in accordance with the lecturer’s passion in the fields of teaching, research, and community service.

Support from the Chancellor of the Best PTS Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in Sumatra

Chancellor of the Best PTS Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Sumatra Dr. HM. Nasrullah Yusuf, SE., MBA. continue to facilitate and support lecturers to pursue Academic Levels and Lecturer Certification to support higher education accreditation for the better.

The Quality of Lecturers at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, the Best PTS in Sumatra

Passing the Serdos selection is proof as a professional lecturer and should be able to produce graduates as the great pillars of the Indonesian nation. At the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, there are three lecturers who have passed the 2021 Serdos selection, namely Lulud Oktaviani, M.Pd., Dr. Dedi Darwis, M. Kom, and Syaiful Ahsan, M.T.

Figures 3 Lecturers of the Best Indonesian Private Private University in Sumatra who passed the 2021 Serdos selection

1. Lulud Oktaviani, M.Pd.

PTS Terbaik Sumatera

Lulud Oktaviani, M.Pd., currently serves as the Chair of the English Education Study Program, Faculty of Letters and Education at the Best PTS Sumatran Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in the 2019-2022 period and has obtained the academic level of Lecturer. Lulud has been selected as a learning module lecturer in the English Teaching Media course organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in the Odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year.

In this semester, Lulud is also a Visiting Lecturer at Brawijaya University in the Instructional Media and Technology course as one of the Independent Learning activities of the Merdeka Campus 2021. Furthermore, Lulud is active in other Lecturer Tridharma activities such as Community Service (PKM) and Research. In PKM activities, for two consecutive years Lulud has received a grant from the Directorate of Community Service Research (DRPM).

In Research, Lulud has published articles in reputable journals and proceedings. In addition, Lulud also collaborated on research with the Head of the English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, Dr. Ive Emaliana, M.Pd.

In addition, Lulud also fosters pa . students

in the Global UGRAD program (student exchange to AMERICA) and guiding students to become National Champions by winning a gold medal in the Student Digital Innovation Competition (LIDM) in division III organized by Belmawa DIKTI, as well as many more coaching at the National and Regional levels.

2. Dr. Dedi Darwis, M. Kom.

PTS Terbaik Sumatera

Dedi Darwis, M. Kom. Currently, he serves as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Best PTS Sumatra in the period 2021-2025 and has obtained the academic level of Lector. In his busy schedule as Dean, Dedi is currently studying for his Doctoral Degree in the Computer Science Doctoral Study Program at the University of Lampung, which has carried out a closed exam, please pray for the Open exam in December, said Dedi.

As a lecturer, in the field of education, Dedi Darwis has published two books entitled Professional Secretary, and Skilled in Making Financial Reports. In the field of research, Dedi successively received grants from the Ministry of Education and Culture from 2016 to 2021 and in the field of service he also received a Community Service grant (PKM) from the Ministry of Education and Culture from 2019 to 2021.

3. Syaiful Syaiful Ahsan, M.T.

PTS Terbaik Sumatera

The figure of the Best PTS Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Lecturer Sumatra Syaiful Ahdan, MT, Currently, he is pursuing a Doctoral Degree in the Doctoral Study Program of Electrical Informatics Engineering at the School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering (Bandung Institute of Technology), the focus of research currently being occupied in the field of Networking (Named) Data Networking).

Syaiful previously served as Chair of the Information Technology Undergraduate Study Program (2017-2021). In addition, Syaiful Ahdan has also served as a Team of Experts in Information and Communication Technology at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (2020-2021) and has served as Coordinator of the Network and Digital Forensics Scientific Group (UTI, 2019-2021).

Syaiful Ahdan Received the Best National Award in Designing an E-Learning Learning Model organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Private Universities (APTISI) Region VII. In addition to teaching, Syaiful Ahdan also plays an active role in the Lampung Police Police Institution as an IT External Supervisor (2015 -2020) and this year he is trusted to collaborate with the Security Intelligence Agency (Special Security Directorate) of the Indonesian National Police which is engaged in Cyber Crime.

In addition, Syaiful Ahdan was once trusted as the Assessment Team at the Lampung Regional Technology Innovation Award Competition organized by the Lampung Province BALITBANGDA (2020) and was followed by students and researchers.

In Student Activities, Syaiful is also actively guiding students in the field of networking, in 2020 he won the Arubalympics 2020 by getting 2 Gold and 1 Silver Medals and the title of The Best Campus, and Syaiful has obtained the Lector academic level.

Furthermore, Syaiful Ahdan is also active in other Tridharma Lecturer activities such as Community Service (PKM) and in Research he has received a grant from the Directorate of Community Service Research (DRPM). In addition, Syaiful Ahdan is also actively publishing articles in reputable journals and proceedings.