Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT.

Facing global challenges especially the impact of Industral Revolution 4.0, Teknokrat Education Foundation as a Non-profit organization has a commitment to contribute continuously to the development of education in Indonesia. Teknokrat Education Foundation is concerned with producing civilized, efficient and intelligent human resources to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. This commitment has a strong synergy with the vision of Ministry of Education Culture Research and technology.

Education is not only the way to solve or answer nation’s problems but further than that, it is an effort to develop advance civilization. Teknokrat Education Foundation believes with four main principles:

1. Discipline
2. Quality
3. Creative
4. Innovative

These four main principles become the core values of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. The implementation of these four principles resulted in multiple regional, national and even international achievements achieved by the young generation. Their achievements also come from various fields including information technology, natural science, business, sports, arts and humanities. All of these achievements are expected to be able to become a portfolio that can support graduates’ confidence in the world of work. 

Teknokrat Education Foundation is proud to support Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia to excel in the development of science and technology. We would like to thank all stakeholders for the trust given to Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia that have produced graduates who have morale and intelligence to compete in the workforce. We congratulate the graduates of the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia and also their parents, for those who are successfully advance their career in private and governmental sectors. Finally, as the Chair of the Teknokrat Education Foundation, may Allah SWT always bestow his love and blessings to the entire academic community and big family of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Chair  of Teknokrat Education Foundation,

Dewi Sukmasari, SE., MSA., CA., Akt.